Hunting Journal – July 29

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First things first. I hijacked Hubby’s lucky hunting shirt tonight. It’s and old holey cammo shirt that is literally falling apart at the seams. He says it’s lucks so I can’t replace it. I’t being used as an under layer tonight, I#m not comfortable sharing that much skin in mosquito season as the shirt would otherwise share.

I headed back to the pumpkin patch tonight. Hoping to see the same deer as last night. Tonight I have made the decision in advance, if both give me opportunity I will go for the buck first. He’s the last one on my shooting plan for the year. I still need a yearling doe to fulfill my targets but they are not as hard to get after the rut as the bucks. That said, if only the yearling doe comes, I will harvest her. They all taste good, and we are obliged to fulfill our shooting goals to the best of our ability.

No worries, it will not be the end of the season yet once our targets are fulfilled, We share the area with 2 other hunters and they have said we can help fill their half of the targets too since they have been unlucky so far this season.

Got to my stand early and all was quiet for a very long time. I was just thinking that the buck must have driven the doe to a different area when he showed up alone. Didn’t see his lady anywhere. He was munching grass across on the furthest edge of the field from me. around about 125yards. This is for my comfort level a really long shot. As one of my huntress friends says, I’m more comfortable with the range that rocks would work. 🙂 I took my time getting ready and waited for him to be in a good position. Just in the moment I pulled the trigger he moved his front leg and started to bend down for another bite… thankfully the shot was still good, even if not perfect. He went down right where he stood. Thank goodness for magnification on scopes!