A tiny step into the world of Taxidermy

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Ok, well maybe not a tiny step… but in the past hubby and I have processed our own European mounts, with varying degrees of success. Usually we have boiled the sculls and tried to degrease them thoroughly. Recently he processed a very weak yearling buck, and it basically fell apart in the process.. I know a tried and true method used by taxidermists is the process of using dermestid beetles. these little beetles will clean the flesh from the bones more thoroughly than you can do with tools and more gently too.

So I have been doing some research and getting things ready. I have a large grain barrel ready. Hubby has built a wooden lid with some ventilation. The air hole is covered in aluminum fly screen and layered between some chicken wire for extra stability. The barrel has been cleaned and prepared, I have a bottle of water in it to help keep the humidity high enough.. and a reptile tererium pad for when we need a little extra warmth. The bedding is currently some rough wood chips and shredded paper. I’ve also been told kitten chow makes good bedding.

I’veput a sponge in, apparently they like to lay their eggs in the sponge and or burrow into the wood, so I’ve got a little bit of everything in. there is strangly not a lot of information on the internet on the keeping of beetles… maybe people are afraid of them. I don’t know. My daughter thinks it’s a little wierd, but is supportive as she is tired of opening the freezer to deer looking at her.

The colony will arrive hopefully today and we can start getting them to grow up to a healthy colony that can process my mounts. I will be sure to share the progress.

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