April 10 – Hunting Journal

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Had to go back to work this week. My vacation was over so not able to get to the woods as often.

The wind today wasn’t great for the zoo, so I picked a different stand. Today I went to the Coordinate Stand. I named it coordinates because we found the stand in the area we hunt. It wasn’t on out map and didn’t have a number. For a few weeks we refereed to the stand when we told out hunting companions where we were with it’s GPS coordinates. Anyway, this stand is good in just about any weather because you can hunt the front or back. from the back side there is a water source.. and a field of wild growing grass and brush, and of course like nearly every location in our hunting area plenty of forest.

The plan was good, but also… it’s hunting and some days you just don’t get to see anything. It was still a nice trip out. This time of year it is amazing how much the forest changes in just a week. It’s awesome to watch to woods awaken after the winter.

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