April 17 – hunting Journal

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Today started out as a fairly normal hunting day. I was a little late getting done with work, but hubby had everything packed and ready to go, so once I logged off my computer all I needed to do was change clothes and get in the car. We were in the hunting area around 4:00. As usual we had my faithful hunting companion with us and I took him for a walk while hubby headed to the area we planned to hunt. When we got to the car I put Gambit back in the truck he could wait and hope to get to track something. Then headed to my stand.

I was in a tree stand today so it was a bit of change from the usual boxes that I usually sit and no place for setting the camera up easily for video. The area I was hunting looks over a ravine where there are old, no longer used train tracks. On the other side is an area where they had timbered last year. There are still some trees on the edge on the far side of the tracks but plenty of openings in case something came down into the cut area.

Around 7pm I was questioning if you all really wanted to read another post about how I went to the woods, got rained on and sleeted in an uncovered stand and then saw nothing for my efforts. But just as I was thinking what to write instead I heard a branch break out in the woods across the way. I looked, and couldn’t see anything not even with the thermal.

Then around 8pm I saw a wild boar cross thru at the far left of my shooting area there was a small clearing about 2 lengths of a wild boar. I could clearly see it was pretty large and appeared to be alone. I picked up my rifle because wild boar is open and yummy. and waited for him to give me a shot. I haven’t got a lot of experience spotting wild boar out in daylight. But I am pretty sure it was a mature male pig. I suggested hubby should go sit that seat tomorrow, if the wind is still good for it, while I do the football practice run with my youngest. Maybe he will see it and harvest it and I can check my identification skills.

since I don’t have a wildlife picture for you today… you get a picture of my hunting companion Gambit

2 responses to “April 17 – hunting Journal”

  1. Hoffentlich kommt Gambit in den Genuß, bald eine Nachsuche zu haben. Er macht das so gerne!