April 24 Hunting Journal

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We’ve has some sketchy weather the last few days. Last weekend in the 70s F, now back down to freezing. It’s a little bit crazy. This morning it was raining and even hail for a while but things have settled a bit and Hubby and I went out to hunt. We cooked up some venison goulash before we headed out, so the kids would have something to eat. Sure they are old enough to cook on their own but the like it when they get home from school and or training and there is a yummy dinner Ready for them.

We left after work, and headed out. We were in the stands around 4:30, and things were pretty quiet. Not nearly as much foot traffic. Seems the weather drove some people away. From my stand I wasn’t seeing any activity. Occasionally I heard some movement in the woods but beyond the area I could see with my binoculars or thermal monocular.

Around about 7:45 I was minding my own business when I about jumped out of my skin. Bang! Hubby who was seated about 250 yards away in another seat. We were hunting opposite sides of a hill watching opposite valleys.

He harvested a young 1 year old Roe Deer. First one of our season. So, I packed up my gear and when to help him out. Hunting is more fun with a friend or a spouse! We waited a few minutes. The deer went down right where he shot and it was an excellent shot. I’ve got to say, I am not delighted with the ammo we are using currently It damages more meat than is really necessary. But more on that at a later date. We are still looking for the perfect solution.

We loaded the deer on the sled. We hunt a forest area which is heavily visited by dog walkers and families. So we don’t like to leave trails of blood. The sled makes it easy to pull out of the woods, and of course cleaner. No trails left behind from bleeding and no unnecessary dirt or debris to contaminate the meat.

2 responses to “April 24 Hunting Journal”

  1. My spouse occasionally will hunt with me. We generally hunt from ground blinds, usually 100 yards apart. The last time we hunted together we were hunting the golden hour waiting for the deer to come into an oak grove to feed. As expected, I heard deer approaching from upwind of Cathy. A was anticipating that loud bang any moment. Suddenly there were 4 whitetails running in all directions. Moments later I hear Cathy calling out to me asking if I saw them. As the light was fading, I walked over to hear a funny story. Cathy had fallen asleep sitting against one of the oak trees only to wake-up with 4 deer standing about 10 yards off staring at her. She was so fascinated by the sight she never even lifted her gun. As a hunting family that story comes up often.

    • Thanks for Sharing John. I love stories like this one. I recall a similar story from my husband while hunting as a youth and asleep at the bottom of a tree… he dozed off and was awoken when a squirrel decided to run up the tree using his face as a handhold. It left pawprints down his face.. so no one could doubt the story.