April 4 – Hunting Journal

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Didn’t head to the woods yesterday even though I am still on vacation. There was a lot of rain and it was fairly windy. So I let my favorite hunting companion take me out to dinner and a movie. We saw Dune 2 and had Mexican. A perfectly awesome alternative to hunting,

Again it was raining this morning. Sometimes I wonder if I live in the UK instead of Germany. Would not mind if the sun came out a bit more. We didn’t get out very early today, it could not be helped as I had a dentist appointment.

Thankfully the rain stopped again around 2pm, and we got to our stands around 4pm. I’m was back at the zoo. There wasn’t much moving thru the woods today, and so until 6:30 I had to be content with the sighting of a red squirrel. I sent a picture of him to my Niece she loves squirrels and she said we should call him Hamlet. He reminder her of the squirrel Hammy in the movie “Over the Hedge”.

Around 6:30 I heard a raucous to the left of my stand in the blind spot. I leaned forward slowly and quietly to see what it was. Low and behold I caught sight of an Owl swooping down trying to get a hold of a fairly large hare. You don’t often get sights like this while just strolling in the woods.
And never from the sofa.

After that the only thing moving around was a Eurasian Jay. Very pretty bird. I’m told by hunting friends to be very careful that they don’t take notice of you. Apparently they are called the police of the woods. If they notice anything out of the ordinary they make a lot of noise and tell all the other wildlife around that there is danger.

Well that’s all I saw tonight…

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2 responses to “April 4 – Hunting Journal”

  1. I love the red squirrel! Great pic. Would love to see an owl swooping in for a hare. We get lots of hawks up here in the NC mountains, i see them swooping in on whatever occasionally, I’m near Boone.