April 5 – Hunting Journal

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Late start today, Didn’t make it to my stand until almost 4:30pm. Shortly after I got seated I heard some Roe deer barking. They really do sound like a dog to an untrained ear. Hubby said as he was heading to his stand he noticed the deer get startled by some mountain bikers and take off barking.

The rest of the evening was fairly quiet. the Jay’s were back again. I love to watch them. that splash of blue when they fly is so very pretty. It occured to me today that my current knitting project is pretty much the colors of the Jay.

Anyway around 8pm I saw a pair of deer cross the path well up on the horizon, and too far up to identify in the fading light. They circled back a few minutes later and the pregnant doe came out to the salt block. I was able to watch till it was too dark to see, So I packed up as quietly as possible. scanned the area with my thermal optic to make sure she wasn’t too close. I didn’t want to startle her while leaving the stand.