Bad News on the Hunting front

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As a hunting community we have all watched the progression of the African Swine Fever virus (ASPFV as it has progressed. We have all known that it is not a question of If it will get here but more the question of when.

This weekend we got shocking news that we have a confirmed case very near our hunting area. As such our area has has announced a hunting stop until further notice. This means that there will not be any hunting journal updates for the time being, and my followers may have make du with some theoretical musings and whatnot. First information from the news about the outbreak is that it was likely the result of human interference. The virus can survive thru some of the sausage making, it is likely the jump was made as a result of some sausage byproduct ending somehow into the environment.

I really hope that the impact is well managed and the impact minimized. Fingers crossed!

I will share some information later this week on my experience with the Interdisciplinary Colloquium – Wald. As well as some information about ASFV.