Better Late than Never

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The last few weeks have been quiet. I haven’t had much to report. In my non hunting life, my work responsibilities have changed rather significantly and I am working on getting up to speed with those changes. I am happy with the changes, it’s just going to take some time getting used to.

We also has some celebrating to do, as my son (youngest of my kiddos) has turned 18. We had a nice celebration for him this weekend.

On the hunting front, we have been on a bit of a forced break. On the 16th of June we were informed that in a neighboring community cases of African Swine Fever were Identified. As such our hunting area was off limits while the authorities decided how bad the situation was and what measures were to be taken.

In the past 2 weeks a infected zone and a barrier zone have been identified and searches have taken place to try to find any further cases.

Thursday we were informed that our property is outside of the restricted zone. Yay! we can get back out without restrictions.

so I will be back this week with hopefully regular updates to my hunting adventures!

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