Category: Musings

  • Bad News on the Hunting front


    As a hunting community we have all watched the progression of the African Swine Fever virus (ASPFV as it has progressed. We have all known that it is not a question of If it will get here but more the question of when. This weekend we got shocking news that we have a confirmed case… Read more

  • Waste not, Want not!

    Venison Broth is on the menu today Waste not, Want not! it’s an adage we have all heard. And although I think most of us have the best of intentions it’s a skill that usually needs some practice for most of us. When we harvest animals I want to make the most of what we… Read more

  • What’s a good Hunter anyway

    One of my followers on my Facebook page asked me how long it takes to be a good hunter. It got me thinking What is a good hunter anyway. I suppose before I can decide how long it takes we first have to define the characteristics required. So let’s start with the easiest to learn,… Read more

  • Wild Diseases

    As a hunter my primary goal is food product. Sure the trophy’s are cool. I hope to share my preparation and finished product in the next week or so. The main goal however is the food product that we wish to eat. In order to ensure that the food I harvest is suitable for consumption… Read more

  • Practice makes perfect

    One of the big topics in Germany coming up to the beginning of May is zeroing the rifles for the start of buck season. I don’t personally get it. As a hunter I want to make sure I don’t make a bad shot. Been there, done that! I don’t want a repeat occurrence! I try… Read more

  • Waidmansheil!

    Traditionally in Germany the Buck season starts on May first. It’s a big deal for the German hunters. This year we were not able to get out on opening day. Even though we are allowed to start our buck season in April we always try to go out for May 1st. This year the odds… Read more

  • Goulash Soup – It’s what’s for dinner

    As a hunter, of course I need to have ways to prepare my wild game into yummy food. We eat wild game about once a week, and in my house one of the favorites is in the form of goulash soup. This is how we make it around here. Most of the time this will… Read more

  • Earth Day and Hunting Therapy

    Today is Earthday and is celebrated across the world. It was a rather stressful, got up in the morning find that the heavy rain from the days past had flooded the basement, so instead of starting work right away we ended up dealing with that for while. We are also in the process of doing… Read more

  • It’s not all about venison – hunting for wild herbs

    Sunday was a glorious day to be out in the woods. When you spend as much time in the woods as I do, other things in nature tend to spark your interest too. Today another huntress took me out to on of the open fields in our hunting area for an all together different type… Read more

  • Kicking off the 2024 Hunting Season

    Here in Germany the hunting year starts April first and in Hessen where we live and usually hunt it’s also the start of the buck season. Other parts of Germany don’t start till May 1st. We’ve been out in the reviver a lot in the past weeks. We have permission to hunt on some state… Read more