Earth Day and Hunting Therapy

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Today is Earthday and is celebrated across the world. It was a rather stressful, got up in the morning find that the heavy rain from the days past had flooded the basement, so instead of starting work right away we ended up dealing with that for while. We are also in the process of doing some repairs on the house, which our retired neighbor is helping with, so we have to work to his schedule. He wanted to get the next steps done today too.. so we worked on that. By the time 11:30 rolled around I was able to get online for work and also have some breakfast. Needless to say I was ready for some unwinding after work.

Usually I work till 4pm which makes it hectic for me to get to the woods at a reasonable hour. Today Hubby helped pack all the gear and all I had to do is toss on my hunting clothes and jump in the car. It was a beautiful night, optimal for a little hunting therapy. When you are in the woods sure you can contemplate all the things you need to do, but you can’t do anything. So instead I tend to let my eyes and my mind wander. It was a bit chilly tonight, but the sun was shining and the critters were definitely moving. It’s usually enough to see an animal, tonight was great. around 8pm I saw a pregnant roe deer about 125 yard from me. She was funny in the area I was hunting there are a lot of pieces of old weathered wood and stumps that are white with age. I was watching the edge of the forest and thought, I don’t remember that stump being there…. only to realize it wasn’t a stump but in fact the rump of a deer. After she moved on a fox came out. was one of the largest fox I have ever seen. I watched it for a bit until it ran off and startled some deer. Then as the sun was setting I saw 2 more deer. So all in all it was a good hunt. Nothing I saw was open. All of the deer were mature females and pregnant, so they aren’t huntable until September. Fox are also not on our allowed hunting list either.

hunting isn’t always harvesting. Especially today on Earthday its about recognizing the beauty of nature and doing what you can to help ensure that it remains. Go out in nature, feel it experience it and preserve it. It’ll do your mind and body good!