Forest Exhibit In the Museum

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a few weeks ago I took of 2 days of work to participate in the Interdisciplinary Colloquium on the Topic of the Forest. The event was planned by the German Romantic Museum, The Senkenburg Nature museum and Sinclair House museum.

I was really excited to participate in the colloquium, the theme was the forest and its uses from the romantic age into the future.

Having the Senkenburg museum involved I hoped for good things. Unfortunately I was sadly disappointed. The conversations focused far too largely on literary topic and not much in the scientific.

Aside from one panelist who discussed mushrooms including some interesting varieties and how valuable they are to the overall health of the forest, there was very little scientific discussion. 2 days of conversation only briefly touched on the topics of lumbering and ignored the forest from hunting perspective all together. All in all as a hunter there was very little information which was either new or relevant to hunting.

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