July 1 – Hunting Journal

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Good things come to those who wait! Well it’s been 2 weeks and when you are used to being out in the woods 2-3 times a week, waiting 2 weeks for the all clear feels like an eternity.

Today was the first time we got out since the announcement that our area might be restricted because of the African Swine Fever. Good news our border is just about 1 km from the restricted zone, so we have the all clear.

We left the house about 4:30. Took the trusty hunting beagle with us too and planned to have a walk before we went to our stands. On the way we got stuck in traffic for a good half an hour or longer then had to go the long way to get to the area. By the time we got the dog walked it was almost 6:30 before we go to our stands.

The wind was crazy, it kept swirling around me, I didn’t end up seeing anything. At about 8:00 I was watching my area wondering when something would come thru…and bang! Hubby shot. I could have stayed on my seat, but we like the working together aspect. so I packed up and headed to his stand. I collected the dog from the car and off we went to collect the harvest.

Gambit wasn’t really needed. He doesn’t care if it’s 10m or 500m to track, so we let him show us where it was. Today I let him go back to the car with hubby and then I pulled the deer down the hill while hubby pulled the car around. He could have done it, but I like to do the dragging out… So he usually let’s me do it.

we headed off to dress it and put it in the cool house… and in the end were all done before I had planned to leave my stand. He got a nice yearling buck. One more for the freezer. Waidmansheil Hubby!

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