Mama – MIA

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So I am back. life has been busy. At the end of May my boss left the company. Mid June his boss asked me to step into the role in interim. So I have been working longer hours and having a lot of work to do as well as learning a lot. I’vestill been getting out to the woods semi-regularly. We took a 2 week break when it was unclear if our area would remain open after the African Swine fever broke out.. but since things have been opened back up I have tried to go out as much as possible.

In the mean time, we have also wrapped up the football season and now have a 4 week break. Which also correlates to my 3 weeks of Vacation! I’ve been off for a week now and only just starting to feel relaxed enough to do some things that i have been putting off.

I am trying to catch up on my hunting journal so don’t be surprised if some of the posts show up out of date order. I haven’t been out much this week. we were invited to go out wild boar hunting with a friend, but I didn’t go the first 2 evenings. and the 1 night I did go out, I didn’t see anything. Seems I can hunt my area with a cough since there is so much traffic out there, the animals seem to be unfazed by human noises. But out in the far less transversed areas of the woods, the animals are clearly more suspicios and went wide around me.

Huby has has had a record week last week we were out 3 times. In just over a week he harvested 2 really nice bucks both the best he has ever gotten. (pictures to come later) a yearling roe deer

I let the guys go out again without me last night. I am heading out to my woods shortly. we will finish setting up Fatman (another of the recovered wood stands that we built)

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