May 11 – Hunting Journal

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Picked a ladder for tonight. I’ve only sat here once before, but the weather was so nice I wanted to enjoy it. We got out about 3 hours before dark. For the weather there was not a lot of pedestrian traffic. For the most part it was a very quiet night. I had a pair of Squirrels hang out with me for most of the night. at one point I thought they were leaving but only climbed a tree for a little while and then came back. That was all there was to see until just after dark. Just after dark I saw (and heard) something come out of the brush from the side of my stand… and low and behold a brand new baby roe deer. Soo cute! I tried to pick up my binoculars for a better look but it ran back into the brush. I could hear it crashing around in there a lot until it was time to leave my stand. It had not yet learned the elegant art of tiptoeing silently thru the woods. It was pretty cool since it is the first time I have seen one so young!