May 12 – Hunting Journal

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It was a great day today. Kids got up and helped dad make breakfast for me, then we did some work on a stand we were reviving. Afterwards we had dinner before heading to the woods. I went to the stand 29, right across the path from where I was at yesterday.

It was a fairly quiet night with a ton of bike traffic on the paths. around 8 o’clock i heard something moving to my right. I spotted a nice looking buck which was open and tried to get a clear shot. Unfortunately on that side of the stand it’s not super clear and getting a good shot was easier said than done. I must have made a noise or something waiting for him to move to a position where I could shoot and he dashed away. These far right shots are gonna be the death of me (and no death to any critter grumble).

So I was feeling annoyed at myself for missing another opportunity. As I packed up I scanned for animals didn’t see anything and walked up the path to the road. Hubby was gonna pick me up. Just as I got to the road I hear a bit of noise in the woods on the other side of the road… 2 deer were spooked farther up the road and had run off toward me, they slowed down and meandered very casually about 10 meters in front of me. They must have known my rifle was unloaded. It was already dark and so I watched them for a few minutes while I waited for hubby. it was cool the one deer was probably about 15 meters from me and never paid any attention. I am starting to feel like Snow white out there.. All the critters want to come keep me company.. but I would really like one to give a good shot.. i want some tasty meat for the freezer.

2 responses to “May 12 – Hunting Journal”

  1. Keep at it and be patient it will happen. I was sitting up against a tree one time and couldnt sit the same way for a long. I thought with all the movement and noise i wouldnt see a thing. But after i settled down about 50 min later couple of doe’s came im front of me. Now i know you werent making alot of noise but it happens.

    • I am actually louder than I like to be, and I’ve been busted a few times for racket. I am not the most graceful individual. Dad used to say a bull in a china shop. some things never change. Yesterday I bumped the wall trying to get into position. thankfully George (all my trophies have been named) looked behind him but didn’t leave. there are so many pedestrians in our hunting area they aren’t as easily startled as they could be. check out May 19 if you want to read about the successful hunt.