May 5 – Hunting Journal

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It’s Football season again. We (My son as player and I as staff) had our 2nd gameday of the season. We were about 2 hours away with kickoff at 6pm. So Hunting was not an option. It was my son’s first time as a starter! Mama is super proud. We also won the game so that is awesome. He plays for the Wiesbaden Phantoms U20 Which is the highest level of Football for his age group.

Sunday is of course a great day to hunt. We had thought about staying out late on Friday to hunt pigs but after the week we had and everything decided to make it a shorter evening. Today we will play it by ear. Mondays I can sometimes start later at work so if we are out a little late, it’s easy enough to catch up before work.

We originally planned to go to the same stands as Friday, but when we got to the woods, we just weren’t feeling it and decided to change plans. We headed to a couple seats more in the woods. I went to lucky stand #13. No I’m not superstitious, my hubby proposed on Friday the 13th, and we will celebrate 20th anniversary this year!

So I was in my stand at about 5:30, a solid 3 hours before sunset. This stand is set well back in the woods with just a few shooting lanes. around 7:15 a(nother) pregnant doe came across from a stand of mostly dead pines to my left and crossed over to the salt lick.

She hung around the salt lick for quite a while and then meandered around my stand thru the woods. I could watch her for nearly an hour while she meandered. It may not be open but still an awful lot of fun to spy on her while she does her thing.

She is still in her winter coat. The yearlings are starting now to change and in some cases have nearly completely changed to their summer coat. You can tell it’s her winter coat, she is still very gray instead of red and fluffy!