Tag: success

  • July 1 – Hunting Journal

    Good things come to those who wait! Well it’s been 2 weeks and when you are used to being out in the woods 2-3 times a week, waiting 2 weeks for the all clear feels like an eternity. Today was the first time we got out since the announcement that our area might be restricted… Read more

  • May 31, June 1 and June 2 – Hunting Journal

    It’s been a bit busy and I didn’t get around to posting much last week. Truth be told, I was hunting with a friend in a different area than my usual hunting location. The weather was great but the grass unusually high for this time of year. 3 evenings of hunting in 2 different locations… Read more

  • May 19 – Hunting Journal

    Well today was full of excitement. Plenty to celebrate today. It was my beagle’s Birthday! Happy 8th Birthday Gambit! He’s my super loyal tracking dog. He’s actually a rescue from the animal shelter but does his job like a champ. We were out of the neighborhood Friday and Saturday, visiting a friend and celebrating his… Read more

  • April 28 – Hunting Journal

    Yesterday was not a hunting day. This week was the kick off of my son’s football season. Yesterday was an away game, so I was out with my Son’s team at the first game of the season. Yes, My favorite football player calls me Mom! Anyway today I really wanted to get out and see… Read more

  • April 24 Hunting Journal

    We’ve has some sketchy weather the last few days. Last weekend in the 70s F, now back down to freezing. It’s a little bit crazy. This morning it was raining and even hail for a while but things have settled a bit and Hubby and I went out to hunt. We cooked up some venison… Read more