Tag: wildschwein

  • Bad News on the Hunting front


    As a hunting community we have all watched the progression of the African Swine Fever virus (ASPFV as it has progressed. We have all known that it is not a question of If it will get here but more the question of when. This weekend we got shocking news that we have a confirmed case… Read more

  • May 31, June 1 and June 2 – Hunting Journal

    It’s been a bit busy and I didn’t get around to posting much last week. Truth be told, I was hunting with a friend in a different area than my usual hunting location. The weather was great but the grass unusually high for this time of year. 3 evenings of hunting in 2 different locations… Read more

  • May 24 – Hunting Journal

    This evening we decided to pick a seat which offers in theory a good opportunity for pigs. We don’t have to be up super early in the morning tomorrow so we decided to sit a little longer. The wind was good and everything seemed good for for the hunt. As is sometimes the case, it… Read more

  • May 3 – Hunting Journal

    So we had a minor crisis in the house and missed Germany’s opening day for the buck season. Plumber was out yesterday and we were able to get out to the woods today. Sitting at the bottom of a valley today. The view was great and it was a pleasant evening to sit in the… Read more

  • April 28 – Hunting Journal

    Yesterday was not a hunting day. This week was the kick off of my son’s football season. Yesterday was an away game, so I was out with my Son’s team at the first game of the season. Yes, My favorite football player calls me Mom! Anyway today I really wanted to get out and see… Read more