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Traditionally in Germany the Buck season starts on May first. It’s a big deal for the German hunters. This year we were not able to get out on opening day. Even though we are allowed to start our buck season in April we always try to go out for May 1st.

This year the odds were not in our favor. Tuesday evening I got home from football practice with my son and tossed a load of laundry in. I did not wait for it, and when I went to check around 11 in the morning the basement was flooded! The water was ankle deep in both rooms of the cellar. Yay!

So instead of packing up our stuff and heading to the woods early we spent the day dealing with water and cleaning things that weren’t on the agenda. It’s not such a big deal as our season is long. And unlike opening day of rifle season in Michigan, if you don’t get a buck on opening day you still have plenty of time. Our Buck season continues all the way thru January.

Currently our season allows all 1 year old animals and all bucks.

I’m reading alot about the Turkey season in the states. What’s your favorite season?

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